Women in Technology

Women in Technology, From Brazil to Silicon Valley
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – March 19, 2019 –Certainly Latin American female engineers face the challenge of breaking social and professional paradigms every day, for that reason, it is a pleasure to meet professionals such as Suzana Brady. Brady moved from Brazil to the US in her quest for knowledge and ended up at the epicenter of technology in the world: Silicon Valley.
Brady, who in addition to being an extremely intelligent woman, with a fine and firm character, natural charm and a magic perhaps of human treatment, is fluent in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish (she also studied German and Italian). Brady holds the position of VP of Sales for North and South America of the company Cobalt Digital, a company that she highlights as "very welcoming, it is a company with leaders involved, an outstanding diverse staff, an environment conducive for team contribution and personal growth and excellence in the engineering and reliability of their products."
She studied Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro with a degree in Chemistry and began her career in the field of petroleum engineering, however for Brady, this was not enough: "After that I went to study International Business and Marketing at the University of California at Berkeley to open other horizons in the practice of technology. " "By choosing northern California, I went to the heart of Silicon Valley, in a very special boom period during the 90's. Only who lived that moment can understand the unique opportunity. Many of us were very young but the companies assigned us great responsibilities. "Brady started making history, because her first experience in Silicon Valley was in a localization project for a company that partnered with Microsoft, participating in the expansion of its products in Brazil and many other countries.
Later Brady was recruited by 3Com Corporation where she had exposure to all aspects of the creation of data networks from a sales and marketing technical perspective "one technology after another, working in a very large company that promoted many products in many countries and where everything was always moving very fast"
After working for a couple of high profile start-up companies, Brady had the opportunity to be a partner owner in a couple of companies in the manufacturing of transmission equipment. The companies were eventually successfully acquired.
On the balance of personal life Brady said "Like any professional in any area, it is necessary to have a support group at work and at home, a lot of organization and discipline so there is a clear separation between the time devoted to the family and the time dedicated to work. A healthy balance will encourage your imagination, passion and unity. "
Brady is convinced that men and women contribute in very different and complementary ways "the dynamic between the two sexes creates an even better result. Diversity within an organization or team, including gender diversity, is associated with improved productivity, creativity, sales and organizational gains. It is important that women continue to join the world of technology."
About the people who have influenced her life, Brady makes a special recognition to her parents, who demonstrated progressive thinking decades ago. "My mother had a career in technology and was a precursor in this segment in the country. My parents always focused on academic prepara-tion, innovative ideas and gave us an atmosphere of extreme openness and freedom of thought at home. Their goal was always to get us prepared for the road ahead."
The original article can be found at - https://www.produ.com/revista/170