+SCTE104 SCTE 104 Insertion Software Option
+ANC Ancillary Data Processing Software Option
BBG-1050-EMDE-ANC 3G/HD-SD-SDI Standalone Ancillary Data Embedder/De-Embedder
BBG-1078-ANC-MON 3G/HD/SD-SDI Standalone Ancillary Data Monitoring Probe with Multiple-Protocol Data Payload SDI/HDMI Display and Fault Detection/Forwarding
9978-ANC-MON 3G/HD/SD-SDI Ancillary Data Monitoring Probe with Multiple-Protocol Data Payload SDI/HDMI Display and Fault Detection/Forwarding
9950-EMDE-ANC 3G/HD/SD-SDI Ancillary Data Embedder/De-Embedder
9902-UDX 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up-Down-Cross Converter/Frame Sync/Audio Embed/De-Embed with Multi-Input Auto-Changeover